Had such a great snow day!! I'm not sure why, but it felt extra special this year!
I returned to the March for LIFE & met Josh & Anna Duggars (squeee!!!) & Rick & Karen Santorum.
This month was pretty normal, but we found out the sweet baby in my belly was indeed a girl!!!
The best part was Brady turning 8. He planned his own party & we all had a great time! I just love that sweet boy!!
Unfortunately the fun didnt last...2 days after his birthday a horrible hail storm hit! I was home alone with the boys & it sounded like our house was going to cave in!! So scary! Here's a pic of our poor Tahoe!
The end of Match gave us another scare! The boys were playing & Brady fell & hit his head & got the biggest, grossest, scariest goose egg I've EVER seen!!!
This month was full of baseball! Brad coached Rylan's team & Brady played his last season of coached-pitch.
My amazing friends also gave me a very cute girly baby shower for Chapel. It was AMAZING!!!
This month was crazy!!! We were still playing ball, I was in my 3rd trimester, Britany got married & Rylan turned 5. I swear I blinked & this month was over before it began!
This month brought in VBS fun, an insane amount of heat which kept us inside during the day & when Brad came home we headed to the pool. June also marked a super sized preggo belly as my pregnancy came to an end.
By far my favorite month of 2013!! On July 2 we welcomed Chapel Elise & became the Sigrest 6! July was an AMAZING month all together!
I slowly got us back into schoolin...and I mean sslloooowwllyy!! The night before we started I decorated our school area & made the boys favorite muffins so they would be even more excited to kick off!!
This month was pretty mellow...praise Jesus! I began walking again, slow but steady to get my body strong again after having a 4th c-section. We also had our baby dedication at church for Chapel. She wore a dress I bought the day I found out she was a girl :)
I. Love. October!!! The weather gets a lil cooler & we celebrate FALL!! We had 2 fun field trips with our homeschool group. One to the Ag Museum & the other to Mitchell Farms. I was so thankful Brad came with us! We had a BLAST!!!
My sweet Mr also celebrates his birthday & I was able to surprise him with MSU tickets. It was a much needed date night & we LOVE going to Starkville!
Our lil Keller feller turned 3 this month! He had a fun super hero party!
We thoroughly enjoyed the Christmas season! I just love this time of year!
Britany graduated college & met her dad for the 1st time! It was a great day! She's so much like him & her lil sister!
The end of 2013 Brad & I went to Memphis to see MSU play in the Liberty Bowl & to have us a lil getaway. Perfect way to end a pretty perfect year!
Ashley, I just love reading about you and your sweet family! YOU inspire me to be a better mom, wife and Christian! I love that you share the good, bad and ugly! LOL! You are awesome!!! Love ya girly! Maribeth Jacobs Start