Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Lord is goooooooood!!!!!!!!

It has been awhile! Our computer has broken so I have been a bad blog reader and writer the last month :)

Last year my mom lost her home in Hurricane Ike and has been living in a FEMA trailer since last November 11. She recently found out that if she didnt buy her trailer for $2400 she would lose it :( This would leave her homeless or having to moving a couple hours away from her hometown. I asked everyone I knew to please pray for her...well God heard those prayers and came through! My mom's pastor told her yesterday that a man came to him and said God woke him up and told him to pay for my mom's trailer and to have it put on stilts!!! How marvelous is that!?!?!!

She still needs prayer because she doesnt want to be stuck in a FEMA trailer forever! The government is still going through money from various sources to see who qualifies to have a home built... my mom meets all the requirements but that doesnt guaranty her anything...so please keep her in your prayers!

My life has been chaotic for awhile but I feel like I'm moving out of this valley, I pray that I am! It's hard being the youngest in my large dysfunctional family and having to be the one to help everyone else and not feel like I have anyone to turn to for comfort. I had called out to God about this one day, upset, and He asked me a very straightforward question:


This broke my heart because He is more than enough! We dont always get what we want and things my not be easy at times, but God is ALWAYS there! He loves us more than we know! So whether Im on the way out of my valley or not, God is with me and my hands shall stay lifted praising His name!

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