Monday, April 6, 2009

Diary of a mad FAT woman! Part 2

This is me with my sisters Mignon and Beverly. I mainly posted this pic to show myself just how big I am even though Beverly is half covering me! Now dont go saying that I'm not big....cause we both know the truth.

This is the biggest I have ever been and it's not right to allow myself to be lazy and indulgent.

"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body."
I Corinthians 6:19

This verse is EXACTLY why I should not allow myself to continue the bad habits that I have acquired....gluttony and laziness!!!! Such major sins that don't get admitted very often. Some people are addicted to drugs or alcohol, but I tell you being addicted to food is just as bad! By turning to food instead of God is just as harmful to our bodies as sinful as turning to substance abuse!

So patterns are being broken! I've complained and whined and moaned..yadda yadda...for TOO long about this. I've laid at the feet of Jesus and am ready to win this battle in His name. Luckily God has blessed me with incredible support through friends who struggle with the same issue and a friend like Danielle whom I can count on for ANYTHING!

I have said before that Jesus had called me to a certain ministry..which I still cant specifically mention just yet :)...and since I have surrendered to it, Satan has been attacking me hard in other areas. Food being one. But I told the lil hell-monger to leave me alone! I claim it in JESUS and the POWER of HIS BLOOD!

So here's my truth by the numbers...I am almost 29, 5'6, about 200 lbs and a BMI of about 32. HORRIBLE...SHAMEFUL...NO EXCUSES!!! How on earth can my body be a FUNCTIONAL temple of God if I am not taking care of it? It can't..but I can't do this without Jesus! My battle with food is much too strong to fight alone or with some diet-fad!

Each week I will post an update of how I'm doing and I ask that you pray for me. God has healed me and helped me overcome SO many things before this and I refuse to be my own stumbling block! The fact that Jesus bought me with His Blood is reason enough to keep my temple pure because it's His first.


  1. Girl, I totally know what you are going through!!!!

  2. great post my dear. put your blog template on minima lefty and that should fix ya stuff :) luvs

  3. AND, finishing is better than starting :) you're gonna look SUPER FAB when you get done with all of this... and have to get a buncha new clothes too!

  4. I am right there with you!!! We WILL overcome this. Write down every bite you take - it SOOO helps!

  5. You are not alone and I will start praying over each update/obstacale (sp?) you post.
