Monday, March 23, 2009

Slow & Steady Wins the Race

It's been a little while since I've posted...I've had A LOT on my plate! Mostly due letting the enemy win in small battles which accumulated to bigger things than I thought! It's all good now....I've taken my stance against the king of lies and am marching full steam ahead....well kinda....

...You know the old childrens' story "the Tortoise and the Hare?" Well I am taking lessons from the tortoise...slow and steady wins the race! Which is funny because I could have learned from the Word of God too! :) So many verses that pertain to this...even my own blog...Finishing is better that starting, Patience is better than pride. Ecclesiastes 7:8.

I am very impatient and want things now and dont want to wait and think I should see results faster....well unfortunately for me it doesnt work that way. Instead of wanting to see immediate results in my, ministry, home, etc...I'm holding on to the idea that slow and steady will win it and trying to get done quickly will inevetably make me lose.

Two Sundays ago I was able to attend my old Sunday School class and the message was AWESOME! Of I cant remember word for word but something said has been in my mind ever since. The teacher, John Wilson, made the comment about how Jesus didnt even start his ministry until He was 30...and how as Christians we shouldnt base our efforts on short amounts of time...the we were faithful for a month or things were good this year...that instead we should look at the faithful have we been in the last decade? How have we grown in the last decade? This really puts it into a huger perspective for me. I HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY suggest you listen to this message! You can hear it at

Well I am signing off for now..gotta go get some work done in my house :) Have a blessed day and I will try and get pics of Brady's party on here soon!

much love!


  1. I will put pics from Brady's bday party on a CD and give them to you Wed. night. I enjoyed reading your post....needed that reminder from John's lesson. :)

  2. I love all of John's lessons. I am so happy to be apart of N1Accord. I have grown so much and absolutely love our SS class. I am glad you were able to be there that day. We are having a Passover dinner soon. Let me know if you'd like to come. It is the FULL Passover meal that Jesus did with his disciples. Not just the wine and bread. I am very excited about it. This will my first Passover meal I have ever been apart of.

    I like this "slow and steady wins the race." I also like to have results pretty immediate and that is hard at times for me to be patient. Thanks for this. :)
